

We stand by our Valves. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!

If we find your rebuilt valve to be faulty, we will rebuild it at no charge, and with no time limit (subject to details shown below). We will make every effort to provide timely service!

Warranty Information

Warranty: Linden Elevator Specialties, Inc. warrants that all valves rebuilt by us will be free of all defects in material and workmanship without any time limit. We will rebuild at no charge any valve returned to us which we determine to be faulty. Since the installation and use of the valves we rebuild is completely beyond our control or supervision, we cannot be responsible for damage, destruction, or personal injury, consequential or otherwise, of equipment or articles in or on which our products are used, attached, or otherwise employed. Liability is limited to rebuild or replace at our option. (1-2007).

Get started with your valve rebuild or exchange!
Warranty 2015-06-04